Tracks & Recordings

Upload your sheet music and receive a custom track in any key, recorded and mixed by an industry accompanist. Perfect for your rehearsal or audition, recordings will be provided within 48 hours of your upload, and can be customized to an audition cut or full length song.

You will be provided three versions of your song: the piano accompaniment, the accompaniment plus vocal melody, and the accompaniment plus vocal melody at a slower tempo for ease of learning.

Tracks & Recordings: 16 BARS
from $7.99

16 bars of recorded music available in the following formats:

  • Piano accompaniment
  • Accompaniment plus vocal melody
  • Accompaniment plus vocal melody at a slower tempo
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Tracks & Recordings: 32 BARS
from $11.99

32 bars of recorded music in the following formats:

  • Piano accompaniment
  • Accompaniment plus vocal melody
  • Accompaniment plus vocal melody at a slower tempo
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Tracks & Recordings: FULL SONG
from $19.99

A full song of recorded music in the following formats:

  • Piano accompaniment
  • Accompaniment plus vocal melody
  • Accompaniment plus vocal melody at a slower tempo
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Example of Tracks & Recordings